Monday, April 13, 2009

Mady's First Easter

We spent Mady's first Easter at home. Mady and Momma went to church across the street at First Lutheran. We got the last two seats in the sanctuary (luckily, in the last row!). The service was beautiful and Mady was perfect... she didn't make a peep. Boy were Momma's arms tired after holding her for an hour and 15 minutes though, she doesn't stop moving!
After church we went home and Mady had a lunch of apples and ham, which she seemed to enjoy. We took tons of pictures of her cute little Easter outfit.
The Easter Bunny brought Mady a few books and a ball for Easter. The bunny also brought Momma some maples and Daddy some Cadbury eggs. :)
For Easter supper, Mady had Ham and Veggies while Momma and Daddy had a late Easter supper of ham, mashed potatoes, corn and turtle cheesecake. :)
It was a great first Easter and it's hard to believe that last Easter was when we told people that I was pregnant!!

Mady at six-months-old

Mady at six-months-old

At six months Mady…

· eats just about anything she can get my hands on. Recently started step 2 foods and love chicken noodle! Had ham & apples and ham & vegetables for Easter lunch and Easter dinner.
· make a mmmmm noise when eating something she likes.
· When Momma doesn’t feed her fast enough, she slaps her hands on the high chair tray and open her mouth in a big O-shape.
· sit up by herself for quite a while, like 5 minutes. She hasn’t figured out how to get out of the sitting position, so normally she just tips over.
· can crawl backwards and rock on her knees, but still hasn’t quite mastered the moving forward yet.
· is beginning to laugh at things all by herself, without someone doing something funny. Loves to laugh when she’s getting her diaper changed, like she knows that it’s nasty!
· is in the last of her 3-6 month clothes and is onto her 6 month outfits.
· just discovered that she has toes. We realized last week that for her whole life she’s always worn outfits with feet in them or had socks on. We’re trying to let her go barefoot more now. Seeing that she is part Brehmer, she will probably prefer to go barefoot always.
· has a drool rash around her mouth from her constant drooling and the nuk rubbing on it.
· has lots of stranger anxiety. Did very well at Easter church service, until people started coming up after the service to ooh and ahh at Mady. Then she cried.
· is 26 inches long and 15 lbs. 13 oz. Quite a difference from 6 months ago at 20.5 inches long and 9lb. 2 oz. J
· would rather spend time on the floor than in anyone’s arm or on anyone’s lap anymore.
· is normally a very, very happy girl. We are blessed.

I can sit up by myself!!

Mady can sit up all by herself! She stays up for quite a long time, even grabbing for things while she's sitting up. She hasn't figured out how to get out of the sitting position, other than just falling over. :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hoppy Easter!!

This is Mady's Easter card for 2009! We will be celebrating Mady's first Easter at home, just the three of us. I think she's going to love Easter service with all of the music!